Calls for Entry

12th Annual National Outdoor Sculpture Competition & Exhibition

Deadline: February 25, 2017 Fee (USD): $35.00 Sculpture artists from across the nation are invited to participate in the 12th annual National Outdoor Sculpture Competition & Exhibition. Up to 14 sculptures will be juried into the exhibit and compete for cash prizes totaling up to $19,750. Accepted artists will receive a $1,250 honorarium check to [...]

2018-10-19T17:44:22-05:00January 4th, 2017|Calls for Entry|

Palestine Main Street Art Tracks Sculpture Show Prospectus Nov 1, 2016 – Oct. 30, 2017

Welcome to the Palestine Main Street Art Tracks Sculpture Show, and thank you for being involved in the Arts in Palestine! We believe that Main Street is hosting an emerging art scene. Improvements this year: Stipends $500... Cash Prizes of $1000, $500, $250, $250  ... No Entry Fee The 5th Annual Palestine Main Street Art [...]

2016-08-14T13:33:14-05:00August 14th, 2016|Calls for Entry|

Georgetown Art Center – Art Hop – Statewide Arts Competition – Entry Deadline August 28, 2016

Georgetown Art Works invites Texas Artists to submit for the 2016 Art Hop competition Show Location:  Historic district of Georgetown, TX Participating venues: Georgetown Art Center & Georgetown Public Library The 2016 Art Hop is a statewide juried art exhibit, organized by Georgetown Art Works.  Georgetown Art Works is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting [...]

2018-10-19T17:44:22-05:00August 6th, 2016|Calls for Entry, Uncategorized|

Liberty Hill Sculpture Symposium 40th Anniversary Celebration Artisan Market Information and Application

Foregound "Liberty Hill Couple" - Sharon Corgan Leeber Background - "Guardian" - Brad Goldberg This Artisan Market is a juried handcraft show to be held in conjunction with the 40th Anniversary Celebration of the International Sculpture Symposium, the legacy of which resides in the International Sculpture Park in Liberty Hill.  The Celebration serves [...]

2018-10-19T17:44:22-05:00July 20th, 2016|Calls for Entry, Events|

CALL FOR ENTRIES by the Religious Art Gallery at the Pastoral Center for the Catholic Diocese of Austin

Dear Artist, The Diocesan Fine Arts Council (DFAC) is now soliciting religious art of the Judeo-Christian tradition for its sixteenth exhibit in the Religious Art Gallery at the Pastoral Center for the Catholic Diocese of Austin.  Our current exhibit, which opened in March 2016, has been another overwhelming success.  It has transformed the halls of [...]

2018-10-19T17:44:23-05:00June 3rd, 2016|Calls for Entry|

Old Bakery & Emporium – Gallery and Consignment Shop near the Capitol Building

  The 2017 Call for Art for the Old Bakery and Emporium Art Gallery is now open.   The information and application are on the website. The Deadline is September 6, 2016. The Old Bakery & Emporium is a historic building located in Downtown Austin.  The Bakery operates as a Consignment Shop, Visitor Information [...]

2018-10-19T17:44:23-05:00June 3rd, 2016|Calls for Entry|
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